Contact  Us:   PO Box 121, Hilliard, Florida 32046-0121   or  Facebook:   search   "BCS"

"For more than half a century, during which kingdoms and empires have fallen, this Union has stood unshaken. The patriots who formed it have long since descended to the grave; yet still it remains, the proudest monument to their memory. . ."

                                                 - Zachary Taylor





  National By-Laws
Blank Check Society (BCS) of America, Inc.

The corporation/organization shall be called Blank Check Society of America, hereinafter called “BCS”. The BCS will honor all veteran’s graves, US and Confederate. The BCS places the appropriate flag for their service. The BCS will diligently search for and locate cemeteries and veterans graves that have been neglected or ignored, for whatever reason. The BCS may provide an escort service for the funeral of fallen veterans, at no cost to their family members.

The Blank Check Society (BCS) is a Non-Profit 501 (c) (3) Organization and is protected under Federal Trademark Laws/Rules/Regulations.

The BCS is protected by a Conflict of Interest Policy, hereafter attached to these By-Laws. The purpose of the conflict of interest policy is to protect the BCS interest when contemplating entering into transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of an officer or director of the corporation or might result in a possible excess benefit transaction. The policy is intended to supplement but not replace any applicable state and federal laws governing conflict of interest applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations.

Blank Check Society of America, Inc., located in Nassau County, Florida, shall be the National Headquarters/Governing Body. BCS Local Chapters may be established identifying the chapter by county/parish/township. BCS Local Chapters shall not be instituted with less than ten (10) members. Title of BCS Local Chapters shall be identified as: “Blank Check Society of America, Inc., (county), (state) Chapter”.

BCS Local Chapter By-Laws shall be established, and shall not infringe upon or contradicts BCS National By-Laws. BCS Local By-Laws shall be submitted to the BCS National Headquarters for acceptance.

The BCS shall have full power and authority to collect, receive, hold and disburse funds for the general purpose of the BCS, and to receive property by gift, donation, devise, bequest and otherwise.

The BCS membership consists of veterans or family members of a veteran, living or deceased, who wants to be a part of a brotherhood to honor veterans. ALL BCS members possess a deep appreciation for our veterans and love for our great country.

The BCS is not a 1%'er motorcycle club and no patches will be worn indicating affiliation with any 1% club. This includes the "MC" patch anywhere on the vest or jacket. The BCS is primarily a motorcycle riding organization, but ownership of a motorcycle is not a requirement to join.

All funding to operate the BCS is earned through membership dues, fund raising and donations. 

Monthly, the BCS members travel to a local cemetery to place flags upon veteran grave sites. Occasionally, the BCS assists other organizations in cemetery clean-up. The BCS furthermore, escorts funerals for fallen veterans.

Individuals who are accepted membership will either receive a copy of the National By-Laws or Local Chapter By-Laws.